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TIMELINE January 2024

AUDIENCE Fire Volunteers, Donors

ROLE UI Design


Homebush Volunteers Australia

Frontier Services is an NGO committed to providing essential support and assistance during bushfire emergencies through a network of dedicated volunteers, demonstrating an unwavering dedication to the communities they serve.


Working in the homepage redesign for Frontier Services was a challenge when trying to bring up the best assets whilst being playful and inviting


'What's so wrong about the current page?'

The Frontier Volunteers have often being told is difficult to acces information through the website. 

Stakeholder fear missing out on potential donations by having an outdated image online.

'Why should we listen to this approach?'

The Frontier Volunteers have oftenbeing told is difficult to acces information through the website. 

Stakeholder fear missing out on potential donations by having an outdated image online.

Let's have a quick look at the current design - can you spot anything off?

Original Frontier Services homepage

Phone number at the top of the screen is too small compared to other items in the hero section.


It could be a subtle touch to the website if the panel stayed fixed to the top of the page. However, it hides as soon as you start scrolling and doesn't show up again when scrolling up.

The hero section misses the chance to provide users with all the information and implements a carousel that only shows more information when actively interacting with the item.

Frontier Services have great photography and an inviting colour palette. However, they seem to be underutilised or be used without a clear purpose.

Some of the links are currently broken - leading to frustrated users, poor SEO and an increasing drop on potential voluteering/donating opportunities.

There is also on overwhelming use of different shades of orange that might not align with the colour scheme as well as comply with WCAG contrast ratios.

Exploring how these issues can be addressed

Phone Number
Placed subtly in the center of the hero section instead of hidden at the top to target mature audiences
snippet to explain future directions
snippet to explain future directions
Highlighting the great photography in areas that users will be immediately impressed to create a closer connection
Product Offerings
Creating clear cut out sections that entice the user to learn more about the products offered, helps increase conversion
snippet to explain future directions
snippet to explain future directions
Colour Palette
Limiting the design to only 4 colour items, allows the layout to convey its message stronger without distracting
image 16.png


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